About Hans

Hans TenDam, CMC, CRT (1943)

Ommen, Netherlands/ Gurgaon, India
Management Consultant since 1970, Transpersonal Therapist since 1983

I studied psychology and pedagogy at the University of Amsterdam. Already during my study, I entered into management development. From management development I moved into conflict resolution, then into organizational structuring and finally into corporate strategy. I was one of the first who explored the application of strategic management to the public sector. I have always been involved in counseling to executives and policy-makers. This led to management coaching and what is called nowadays life coaching. I have lived and worked for some time in New Zealand and in Brazil. My consultancy focus is now on organizational constellations and core issue analysis, my therapy focus is on transpersonal regression therapy, and in between these two fields on helping people to develop what I call personal mastery.

Main publications in English:

  • Exploring Reincarnation. English editions in 1989 and 2003. Portuguese edition 1999. Turkish edition 2012. Kindle edition 2017
  • Deep Healing and Transformation, first published in Dutch in 1989. Several new editions. Translations in English, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Turkish. Japanese forthcoming
  • How People Make the World: The Ten Global Challenges (1991, 2010)
  • Articles in The Journal of Regression Therapy
  • Career highlights:

  • Seminars and workshops in the Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, the USA, Portugal, Finland, India, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Japan, Turkey, Philippines, Dubai
  • Founder of EARTh (Earth Association of Regression Therapists) in 2006. President 2007-2013. Honorary member since 2022
  • Founder of the World Congresses for Regression Therapy
  • Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Regression Therapy
  • CMC: Certified Management Consultant (ICMC)
  • CRT: Certfied Regression Therapist (IBRT, EARTh)


    • Reduce stress
    • Retain high energy and recuperate quickly; Gain vitality every day
    • Remove blocks. Achieve your goals. Live better, work better
    • Retain a clear mind, and be perceptive. Retain calm, remain unruffled, and be resilient
    • Be decisive in the face of uncertainty
    • Have natural ease, and be in flow. Minimize friction. Be more efficient and effective
    • Reduce hindrances, delays, misunderstandings, resistance. Do things at the right moment, at the right speed, and in the right order.

    Books By Hans

    If you are interested in Hans TenDam's books in English and in other languages, please visit tassopublishing.com

    Initiation in Everyday Life by Hans TenDam
    Initiation in Everyday Life

    Spirituality for everyday life, everyday peace

    Deep Healing and Transformation by Hans TenDam
    Deep Healing

    A down-to-earth method that transcends ordinary psychotherapy

    The Long View by Hans TenDam
    The Long View

    Explores strategic thinking ability in individuals,teaching and fostering it

    How People Make The World by Hans TenDam
    How People Make The World

    Bridges the gap between individual action and global issues.

    Exploring Reincarnation by Hans TenDam
    Exploring Reincarnation

    A classic panorama of explanations for past-life recall, ideas experiences